Welcome to my corner of the cosmos! I’m a passionate amateur astrophotographer and astronomer with a deep-rooted love for science and the mysteries of the universe. My journey into the cosmos began several years ago, and since then, I’ve been captivated by the wonders of astronomy.

In pursuit of my passion, I’m currently on the trajectory to obtain a degree in aerospace engineering, fueling my desire to delve deeper into the realms of space exploration and technology.

My equipment includes the powerful Orion SkyQuest XT10 IntelliScope Dobsonian telescope, allowing me to explore celestial objects with unparalleled clarity and precision. Complementing this, I also own a Seestar S50 for specific astrophotography endeavors.

Here, I showcase my articles, musings, and a collection of my astrophotography, serving as a digital portfolio of my cosmic endeavors. Stay tuned as I prepare to launch my store, where you’ll find handpicked astronomy gear and accessories to embark on your own journey of cosmic exploration.

Join me as I navigate the vast expanse of the cosmos, one star at a time.